Mid-Summer Knights Dream

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What: A 4 round USCF rated event conducted over 4 Mondays in July, one game per evening. Time is Game/80 with a 5 second delay.

When: July 9, 16, 23, 30, 2012


  • Hy-Vee Supermarket Cafeteria
  • Sheridan Village
  • Sheridan & Lake Streets, Peoria, IL

Entry Fee:

  • Free to Hult Members.

Prizes: No prizes, just fun & ratings


  • Registration: 7-7:30 each night for that round's games
  • Rounds.: One game per week. Each round starts at 7:30, don't be late

Other information: This tournament is played by adults. Bring your A game, be competitive. Players with ratings over 1000 should play in this tournament. Players near 1000 may play, it will be good practice, but it may be difficult to score. This tournament is not recommended for players below 750. All scholastic players are bound by adult rules in this tournament. This is a slow time limit, be careful and double check your moves before playing them.

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